What It's All About

As I sit here writing this, it's nearly 10am on the first day of school. My wife is at the office of her new job. The kids are all packed off with their school supplies, all the last minute crises have been handled (missing money for the yearly agenda book, wet socks from an unexpectedly deep puddle), and the house is empty and silent.

Over the last 2 months of summer break, I often thought about how hard it was to get work done with the house so full and the constant noise of life in progress. Now, in the silence and the stillness of a house with no one in it, all I can think about is how much I wish there was someone here to fill the silence.

It's a necessary evil of running your own business that you are always busy, even when you're home. There is no such thing as "off duty," no matter how hard you try - paying work is far too important to pass up when you're still new and growing. Last week, if you would have asked me, I would have told you I couldn't wait for school to start again, so I could finally get some work done without any distractions. Now, I'm just counting down the hours until the house comes back to life again.

That's what it's all about. That's why I do what I do. All the risks, and hard work, and uncertainty of starting your own business... it's not to get rich, or to escape some nefarious boss. I do it for my family, to provide for them, to support them, so my kids can have the sort of life every parent envisions.

I don't know if I'll ultimately succeed, but I'll always be working on it... and watching the clock.


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