Grow Your Online Presence with Video Content

Those of you who have followed me on social media for awhile now may recognize the name Denise Alison. She's the owner of Stratigro Business Consulting, and just like me she helps small and medium sized businesses improve their online presence to increase their success. Over the past year, I've shared a few of her articles on my own page, and we've traded comments back and forth on each others' content quite a bit.

Denise recently reached out to me about a new online course she's offering, on using live video content to grow your business. This is a subject I'm very interested in - I've been thinking a lot about different ways to expand a company's social media presence. Video content is proven to get a lot more traction than written articles alone, due to its ease of access, and the personal rapport you can develop with your audience by appearing on camera.

I've always been a little reticent to pull the trigger on video content myself (I've got the proverbial face made for radio!), but I really believe this is something a lot of businesses could benefit from. Small businesses in particular need to differentiate themselves from their larger corporate counterparts, and increasing the level of interaction with your audience is a great way to build trust and loyalty.

So to all my business friends out there, if you're at all interested in the idea of adding video content to your social media activities, I have a couple of freebies from Denise to share with you so you can test the waters and see what you think. I believe that you'll find what she has to say very interesting and helpful.

First, there's a free guide on 5 Rookie Live Video Mistakes to Avoid. This free article covers tips Denise has learned over her own first year of live video broadcasts, and is a great way to get a headstart on your own efforts.

Second, and even better, Denise is offering a free lunch and learn webinar on Thursday, January 18th (yes I know that's tomorrow - I just found out about it, too!). There will probably be a few more of these free e-lunch and learns, so check back on her site later if you can't make it tomorrow.

These freebies are a great way to see what Denise's content is all about if you haven't seen her before, and if you find it useful, I hope you'll eventually sign up for her full online course as well. She's been doing weekly live broadcasts for her business for over a year now, and I've found them all to be both interesting and helpful.

Full disclosure: Denise has offered me a promotional partnership for the full course; however I have no problem pointing people her way regardless, since I've shared her material before and know from personal experience that she's experienced in business promotion.


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