Well, it's been a pretty crazy week for Whistler IT Solutions. I'm currently working on two websites, and was just contacted yesterday to possibly build another (still hashing out the details). In addition, we're taking a short family vacation this weekend, so I've also been running around trying to help get ready for that. So I haven't had as much time as I'd like to dedicate to non-billable work. Needless to say, researching and writing the articles for this blog takes way more time than anything else I do besides actual paying work for clients, so as much as it pained me, the blog had to take a back seat this week.
That being said, I still want to apologize for re-posting an article this week instead of having a new article for you. I'm quite proud of my social media tips article, and it's by far the most popular entry I've made since I started this blog (thanks, readers). But I still feel bad for not having any new content this week. Mea culpa!
You may have noticed me posting a little more often than normal on Facebook this week. I've decided to ramp up my presence there a little bit, so I'm making more of an effort to have something fun or interesting to post every weekday, instead of just the 2 blog posts per week. My friend Max (of DigiHub Marketing, check him out for all your SEO needs) suggested some more fun posts might go over well. I really enjoyed this idea, and had a lot of fun looking for some music and funny items to post.
I believe very strongly that small businesses need to provide value to their potential clients first and foremost; that's why I work so hard writing these articles, finding useful or interesting statistics, and trying to make IT a little more accessible for non-computer people... but that doesn't mean we have to be serious all the time! There's definitely room for some music and silliness in there too, so expect Tuesday Tunes and Witty Wednesday to continue (at least until I can think of less terrible names for regular features!).
One final piece of housekeeping business before I sign off for today: I've been finding it too much work around the weekend to have a big blog post up on Friday and then again on Monday. It's been cutting into my weekend family time too much. I've also found that not as many people have time to read a longer post on Friday anyway, probably because they're just as eager to get to the weekend as I am! So I've decided that moving forward, my 2 big blog articles for the week will be going up on Mondays and Thursdays instead. Friday, I'll save for something fun I've been working on that I think you guys will enjoy too. Stay tuned until tomorrow to see what that's about. ;)
As always, readers, thank you for your time. I hope you enjoy reading this blog even half as much as I enjoy writing it. Questions, comments, and feedback are always welcome. I want to do everything I can to make this a useful resource for customers and other small businesses alike.
Until next week, ciao!
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