5 Tips to Improve Your Product Page: Design in Detail
In today's installment of Design in Detail, we're discussing what makes a good Product page for your website. This article will be a little bit different than the previous ones; every company is unique, and the products and services they offer vary greatly. So instead of listing out specific features you should include on your page, I thought it would be more helpful to review the overall design and layout of the Product page, and offer advice on how to catch your visitors' attention and turn them into customers. With that in mind, here are 5 tips to improve your website's Product page: 1. Avoid Clutter A lot of product pages are overwhelming, with tons of detail, lots of information, and options all over the page. This can make it hard to read (especially on mobile), and is generally frustrating to customers. The best thing you can do is to keep your page as simple as possible. Don't have a lot of fancy graphics taking up screen space, don't put too much...