Time Flies

So needless to say, things haven't exactly gone as I planned with the blog. I've been busy dealing with some personal issues, as well as working on getting the business itself up and running. I won't go into long-winded explanations here - those who know me, know what I'm talking about.

That said, things are starting to get a little bit more back to "normal," whatever that is, so I'm going to try to start this up again. I've been using the built in blog function that came with my site's builder tool, and it's okay, but I'm looking for something with more options. I like how Blogger works, and I'm comfortable with it, so I'm going to continue using that for writing the blog itself. The only real problem I have now, is that I haven't found a satisfying way to embed the blog into my site so far.

I don't like the idea of linking to it instead of just having it in the actual site. The navigation tool from the sitebuilder doesn't allow you to connect to external pages, so I can't load it up from there. And most of the embed functions I've looked at so far don't work right either. If you load Blogger up in an iframe it looks weird, and if you just build a widget using the RSS, you don't get sharing links, and that feels like a bad idea too. What I really want is to display the posts from the blog, but also have the sharing links displayed so users who reach the blog from my site can share the posts directly without having to go to Blogger - expecting anyone to waste time with extra steps just isn't going to happen.

So for now, I guess I'll just focus on getting back to making content, while I continue to look for an embedding option I'm happy with. If anyone happens to know of a great way to display both posts and share links from a blog inside another site, let me know. Wordpress, Joomla, etc. aren't options here as I'm currently limited to custom HTML / java blocks that the sitebuilder allows. I can't alter the underlying structure of the page, or mess with the CSS. Fun challenge? Could be...


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