Don't Depend on Social Media
So yesterday, while Facebook and Instagram were both experiencing outages and many people were having trouble accessing the sites or seeing their feeds, it got me thinking again about social media as a whole, and how much we've come to rely on it. See, I think Blanche DuBois got it wrong. We can't rely on the kindness of strangers - not when it comes to business. More and more small businesses are choosing to forego having a website of their own in favor of putting all their eggs in the social media basket. The problem with this idea, of course, is that you don't have any control over what Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or the others choose to do. If they change their platform, it messes up your business in the search results. If they decide to start showing their own ads on your page, or redirecting traffic to competing companies, or jack up the price of making your own ads, or even hold your business page hostage unless you pay them fees for the right to be displayed,...